Il superamento di un OPG italiano:
una valutazione di impatto a 10 anni
Leone L., Giunta G., Motta G., Cavallaro G., Martinez L., Righetti A. (2023). An Innovative Approach to the Dismantlement of a Forensic Psychiatric Hospital in Italy: A Ten-year Impact Evaluation Clinical Practice & Epidemiology in Mental Health, vol.19, 2023. DOI: 10.2174/18740179-v18-e221221-2022-11, 2023, 19, e174501792212201
This study aimed to evaluate the impacts of a pilot project concerning the closure of a Forensic Psychiatric Hospital (FPH- OPG barcellona Pozzo di Gotto, ME) inspired by Human Development Theory and the Capability Approach. The dismantlement of the FPH began in 2010 with the pilot project Luce é Libertà and ended in 2017.
Methods: A pre-post evaluation design was performed with a comparison between the intervention and the control group. Main Results: a) the discharge of 55 patients through the use of a person-centered approach and the Personal Capability Budget (PCB), b) the improvement of ICF score (t-test Sig. <, 02), c) 42% of beneficiaries achieved a job placement and 36% were living in one’s own home, d) the need of security measures has reduced from the initial 70% to 6.8%, and e) reduction of the healthcare costs from the fourth year onwards. Conclusion: Indications emerge to support processes of deinstitutionalisation and capabilities expansion through innovative models, a person-centered approach supported by PCBs, social finance, and social impact investments.